Children’s Cardiomyopathy Awareness after CCAM

Phosphorus Diagnostics
2 min readNov 12, 2018


Though Children’s Cardiomyopathy Awareness Month (CCAM) has passed, the need for disease awareness never expires. Phosphorus greatly enjoyed partnering with the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation for the month of September, and we want to follow-up on our collaboration to bring you additional information and resources that can help save a life.

If you have not previously encountered the concept of cardiomyopathy, this helpful one-pager from the CCF explains everything you need to know about the condition:

In addition, check out the below infographic from the CCF that contains additional statistics about pediatric cardiomyopathy:

Sometimes in the deluge of facts and figures, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that cardiomyopathy is a disease that affects real individuals and families. Read below for the story of the Passavias, whose son, Boden, is this year’s Walk For A Cure ambassador:

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you can act now to support pediatric cardiomyopathy patients by visiting the CCF website to make your voice heard in support of cardiomyopathy legislation. By following this link, you can easily submit a pre-written letter to your local representative urging them to allocate additional resources to fighting cardiomyopathy in public schools through the HEARTS Act.

And if you want to explore further cardiomyopathy legislation, you can read up on H.R. 2308, Teaching Children to Save Lives Act of 2013 here, and S.436/H.R.829, The SAFE PLAY Act, here.

For additional inquiries on the disease or how you can help, contact the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation at 866–808-CURE or, or visit their website at



Phosphorus Diagnostics

Phosphorus Diagnostics is using genomics to improve human health. We offer the most comprehensive, actionable #genetic test for disease prevention.